Voici les formats disponibles.
Ils peuvent être choisis dans l'interface Web et les platines.
Pour supprimer un format, effacez le contenu de la zone de texte.
Placez votre curseur dans la zone de texte vide pour saisir un nouveau format.
Les codes suivants peuvent être utilisés pour représenter des données:

Vous pouvez utiliser des séparateurs entre chaque élément.
Les séparateurs ne sont utilisés que si des données sont présentes.
CT (type de contenu),
TITLE (titre),
TRACKNUM (numéro de piste),
FS (taille du fichier),
ARTIST (artiste),
COMPOSER (compositeur),
CONDUCTOR (chef d'orchestre),
BAND (groupe),
COMMENT (commentaire),
YEAR (année),
SECS (durée totale en secondes),
DURATION (durée en minutes et secondes),
BITRATE (débit binaire),
LONGDATE (date en cours au format long),
SHORTDATE (date en cours au format court),
CURRTIME (heure en cours).




Macros are sets of CLI commands separated by semicolons. For a full list of "core" SqueezeCenter CLI commands, see the online documentation. Note: you do not need to include the playerid for commands that begin with a playerid. For instance, the documentation says to turn a specific player on you would use '04:20:00:12:23:45 power 1' but for KidsPLay you need only use 'power 1'. If you want to specify a particular player, insert either the player MAC/ID plus a colon or the name you assigned to the player plus a colon before the command, e.g. '04:20:00:67:89:9a: power 1' or 'Kitchen: power 1'. If you want to have the same command run on every player, insert 'ALL:' before the command, e.g. 'ALL: power 1'. To have the command run on all players except the player where you pressed the button, insert 'OTHERS:', e.g. 'OTHERS: power 1'.

Special characters and variables

There are seven characters that must be escaped with a backslash in your macros:
\ (backslash) ; (semicolon) " (double quotation mark) [ ] (open and close square brackets) { } (open and close curly braces)
For example, if you wanted to display Hello, "Bob" on a Squeezebox, you would use a command like display "Hello \"Bob\""

If you use a backslash before any other character, then the two characters will be treated as separate characters -- this means that Windows directory paths like c:\windows can be entered as c:\\windows or c:\windows

KidsPlay also understands a few special variable names. Variables are enclosed in curly braces and are interpreted in the context of the Squeezebox where the button was pressed. For instance, ALL: display "{CURRENT_TRACK_TITLE} is playing on {PLAYER_NAME}" would display a message like "Veronique is playing on Kitchen Boom" on all players. The following variables are supported:

Name of the player where the button was pressed
ID (MAC address) of the player where the button was pressed
Album for the current track on the player where the button was pressed
Artist for the current track on the player where the button was pressed
Song title for the current track on the player where the button was pressed
Database ID number for the current track on the player where the button was pressed

Sample macros

Play a specific regular playlist
power 1; stop; playlist clear; mixer volume 30; playlist play "Playlist Name";
Play a specific iTunes playlist (note that " " becomes "%20", as the "itunesplaylist:" argument should itself look like a URL)
power 1; stop; playlist clear; mixer volume 30; playlist play "itunesplaylist:Playlist%20Name";
Random mix from one genre
power 1; stop; playlist clear; mixer volume 30; randomplaygenreselectall 0; randomplaychoosegenre GenreName 1; randomplay tracks;
Play a specific album
power 1; stop; playlist clear; mixer volume 30; playlist play "/path/to/album/directory"
Display a message
show "line1:KidsPlay test" "line2:Your message here" duration:5 centered:1
Display a large message
show font:huge "line2:Your message here" duration:5 centered:1
Set volume to a fixed level
mixer volume 45;
kidsplayvolume 45
Increase volume by 5, but not greater than player's KidsPlay max
kidsplayvolume +5
Decrease volume by 5, but not less than player's KidsPlay min
kidsplayvolume -5
Set volume to player's KidsPlay minimum
kidsplayvolume 0
Toggle between two values (3 = Always Off, 0 = Headphones) for a Boom's analogOutMode pref (this command currently only supports switching between two values)
kidsplaytoggleclientpref analogOutMode 3 0
Turn the player named "Living Room" off (note the space and quotation marks)
"Living Room:" power 0
Turn all players off
ALL: power 0
Turn all other players off but leave this one alone
OTHERS: power 0

KidsPlay CLI commands

00:04:20:11:22:33 kidsplayvolume ARG
increase (if ARG begins with "+"), decrease (if ARG begins with "-"), or set the exact volume level (0-100) for the specified player, but do only within the bounds of the KidsPlay minimum and KidsPlay maximum volumes for that player
00:04:20:11:22:33 kidsplaytoggleclientpref PREFNAME VALUE1 VALUE2
Toggle between VALUE1 and VALUE2 for preference PREFNAME for the specified player
kidsplayexec SECRET COMMAND (additional arguments optional)
Execute the specified command on the system where Squeezebox Server is running. You may pass mutiple arguments if needed. The SECRET value is different for each Squeezebox Server installation; do not share your SECRET value with anyone else. Note: you MUST enable Password Protection and set the CSRF Protection Level to Medium or High in the security settings in order to use this CLI command.
kidsplayexec status: Désactivé You must create a file named "/kidsplayexec.txt" on your server in order to use kidsplayexec.

playlist play "PL - Baby";

PL - Baby
PL - Ambient-Relax
PL - Gift

power 1; stop; kidsplayvolume 10; playlist clear; show font: "line2:Playlist Baby" duration:14 centered:1; playlist play "PL - Gift"; sleep 20;

power 1; stop; mixer volume 10; playlist clear; show font: "line2:Playlist Baby" duration:14 centered:1; playlist play "PL - Gift"; sleep 1800; Button HOME; Button NOW_PLAYING;

power 1; stop; mixer volume 15; playlist clear; show font: "line2:Playlist Baby 30'" duration:14 centered:1; playlist play "PL - Gift"; sleep 30; Button HOME; Button NOW_PLAYING;
"SQ_Habitant_Boom:" power 1; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" stop; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" mixer volume 30; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" playlist clear; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" show font: "line2:Playlist Baby" duration:14 centered:1; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" playlist play "PL - Gift"; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" sleep 40; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" Button HOME; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" Button NOW_PLAYING;

power 1; stop; mixer volume 15; playlist clear; show font: "line2:Playlist Baby" duration:14 centered:1; playlist play "PL - Gift"; sleep 20; Button HOME; Button NOW_PLAYING;
"SQ_Habitant_Boom:" power 1; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" stop; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" mixer volume 30; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" playlist clear; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" show font: "line2:Playlist Baby" duration:14 centered:1; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" playlist play "PL - Gift"; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" sleep 40; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" Button HOME; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" Button NOW_PLAYING;

Bouton 1: PL - Baby
power 1; stop; mixer volume 5; playlist clear; show font: "line2:Playlist Baby 30'" duration:14 centered:1; playlist play "PL - Baby"; sleep 1800; Button HOME; Button NOW_PLAYING;
"SQ_Habitant_Boom:" power 1; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" stop; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" mixer volume 10; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" playlist clear; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" show font: "line2:Playlist Baby" duration:14 centered:1; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" playlist play "PL - Baby"; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" sleep 1800; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" Button HOME; "SQ_Habitant_Boom:" Button NOW_PLAYING;

---  //  ---

Bouton 1 Habitant: PL - Baby
power 1; stop; mixer volume 10; playlist clear; show font: "line2:Playlist Baby 30'" duration:14 centered:1; playlist play "PL - Baby"; sleep 1800; Button HOME; Button NOW_PLAYING;

Bouton 2: PL - Ambient-Relax
power 1; stop; mixer volume 12; playlist clear; show font: "line2:Playlist Relax 45'" duration:14 centered:1; playlist play "PL - Ambient-Relax"; sleep 2700; Button HOME; Button NOW_PLAYING;

Bouton 3: R. Berceuses
power 1; stop; mixer volume 10; playlist clear; sleep 2700;
show font: "line2:R. Berceuses  45'" duration:14 centered:1;
playlist play;

Bouton 4: R.Bebe?
power 1; stop; mixer volume 10; playlist clear; sleep 2700;
show font: "line2:R. Bébé?  45'" duration:14 centered:1;
playlist play;stream;

Bouton 5: R. Doudou
power 1; stop; mixer volume 10; playlist clear; sleep 2700;
show font: "line2:R.Doudou  45'" duration:14 centered:1; playlist play;

Bouton 6: R. Pomme d’Api
power 1; stop; mixer volume 10; playlist clear; sleep 2700;
show font: "line2:Pomme d’Api  45'" duration:14 centered:1; playlist play;
Informations sur la platine
Informations sur tous les dispositifs identifiés connectés au Logitech Media Server
Modèle platine : SqueezeLite
Type platine : squeezelite
Micrologiciel : v1.8.4-726
Adresse IP platine :
Adresse MAC platine : b8:26:eb:c1:71:f0
Modèle platine : Squeezebox Receiver
Type platine : receiver
Micrologiciel : 77
Adresse IP platine :
Adresse MAC platine : 00:04:20:16:2b:7e
Puissance signal sans fil : 87%
Modèle platine : Squeezebox Receiver
Type platine : receiver
Micrologiciel : 77
Adresse IP platine :
Adresse MAC platine : 00:04:20:17:4a:73
Puissance signal sans fil : 38%
Modèle platine : Squeezebox Boom
Type platine : boom
Micrologiciel : 57
Adresse IP platine :
Adresse MAC platine : 00:04:20:1f:0c:c6
Puissance signal sans fil : 44%
Modèle platine : Squeezebox Boom
Type platine : boom
Micrologiciel : 57
Adresse IP platine :
Adresse MAC platine : 00:04:20:1f:0c:c4
Puissance signal sans fil : 71%
Modèle platine : Squeezebox Boom
Type platine : boom
Micrologiciel : 57
Adresse IP platine :
Adresse MAC platine : 00:04:20:1f:6b:03
Puissance signal sans fil : 89%
Modèle platine : Squeezebox Touch
Type platine : fab4
Micrologiciel : 7.8.0-r16754
Adresse IP platine :
Adresse MAC platine : 00:04:20:22:46:76
Puissance signal sans fil : 100%
Modèle platine : Squeezebox Boom
Type platine : boom
Micrologiciel : 57
Adresse IP platine :
Adresse MAC platine : 00:04:20:1f:13:ae
Puissance signal sans fil : 84%

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